Sunday 20 December 2009

Saturday 19 December 2009

Promoting Wellbeing and Wealth- Living my best life and helping you to live yours, that's what it's all about.I am sure you have noticed that no one person has all the pieces of the jigsaw of life, and everybody has at least one of the pieces. But that one piece won't be much use if the person hides it away in a secret drawer!

There is a revolution happening in the world today, and you have to be able to change, grow, contribute, learn and earn in ways that are not traditional. If I am honest, many of my friends think my online life is a little strange. They don’t quite “get” the Internet, internet marketing, MLM, network marketing etc. They know me as a dedicated worker in various helping professions, for over 30 years.

Other people, well known online, are very into the internet and getting wealthy. But how do their actions stack up, if the internet becomes a place where some people can become fabulously wealthy, whilst so many others don't have the basic tools they need to make a living, online or off? Can't we do better than that and have many many more people empowered to make a very good living, doing creative work that allows them time and energy to enjoy their lives.

Can these things come together in one blog, one life, and be comfortable together? It has taken me years to get to the point where I can say a confident “Yes!” Along the way I have learnt a lot, spent a lot of money, worked out some answers and now feel it is time to share as much as possible. Internet marketing has become part of my “spiritual path”. And vice versa! So if you are a doubter, and that includes a self doubter, or a sceptic, of almost any description, and yet you want a different life and a different world as well, you have found someone who wants to work with you to create that for you, and as many people as possible.